Country of Opportunities

Historical Traveling Exhibition

Original title: A lehetőségek országa - Polgárosodás a 19. századi Magyarországon
(The Country of Opportunities - Embourgeoisement in Hungary in the 19th Century)
Type: Historical Traveling Exhibition
Responsibilities: Design & Execution of the Exhibition, Graphic Design Elements
and Digital Exhibition Enhancements

Location: 1 Highland* and 5 Hungarian county museums
Year: 2010

About the Exhibition: The exhibition series focuses on the concept of “citizen”. Citizen, citizenship - these terms have been heard and used especially a lot since the 1989 regime change. But do we know what it is, what they mean? How has the important role of citizenship in industry, commerce, science, culture and public life developed? The exhibition presents this process through six dynastic stories.

*Highlands is a field of mixed population of Hungarians and Slovaks. For 1,000 years it was the northern border region of historic Hungary, which was separated from Hungary after World War I as a punishment. It is now called Slovakia and it is a separate country.


Battle of Mohács, 1526


Bürger of Buda