Bürger of Buda

Historical Exhibition

Original title: Budai Bürger, Pesti Polgár - Polgári értékrend, polgári mentalitás a 19. századi Pest-Budán (Bürger of Buda, Citizen of Pest - Civic values, civic mentality in 19th century in Pest-Buda*)
Type: Historical Exhibition
Responsibilities: Design & Execution of the Exhibition
Location: Budapest History Museum - Buda Castle, Budapest, Hungary
Year: 2010

About the Exhibition: It follows the development of the social history of the bourgeoisie in the period between the end of the 18th century and the unification of the city. This was the period when the foundations of the concept of citizenship in today's sense were laid.

*Today's Budapest - the capital of Hungary - was formed from the “building together” and merging in 1873 of three originally separate cities: of Pest built on the right bank of the Danube and of Buda and Óbuda, built on the left bank of the Danube.


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