Characteristics to a good logo design


Even amongst graphic designers, the question of whether a logo is good can lead to uncertainty. Personal taste is an inevitable factor in the conversation, which can make it seem like an unsolvable riddle. But this is not true. To understand what makes a good logo, you have find a way to think about it objectively -that is, without personal feelings, preferences, or opinions influencing the outcome.


The purpose of a logo

Great logos are the perfect tools for attracting audiences to brands and creating memorable impressions. They use design to differentiate products and services from their competition and communicate ownership of a brand’s stake in the marketplace.
A good logo should look good, but most importantly it should be accomplishing its branding goals and appealing to its target audience.


What makes a logo good?

The 5 qualities that make a logo good:

  • Simple

  • Relevant

  • Distinctive

  • Timeless

  • Versatile




Simplicity is always key for logos because most consumers only focus on a logo for a short time.
Your logo should be concise rather than filled with graphical elements that may not really convey your brand, intention, or the overall tone of your business. Many companies create compelling logos just by using their business name, business initials, or a single, uncomplicated graphic to represent their brand. “Simple” doesn’t have to mean boring -it can still convey a lot of emotion and meaning, just in a minimal way.



Great logos share is that they’re relevant to the markets their companies target. More importantly, they clearly communicate a brand’s personality and identity (in a simple way).


Let’s look at Amazon’s logo. While it seems simple at first -the company’s name with an arrow demonstrating that its products are moved from one place (their warehouses) to another (your home)- the arrow’s placement is notable because it conveys Amazon’s message that they sell everything from “A” to “Z,” and the curved arrow simulates a smile to evoke happiness.



One of the key objectives business owners want to achieve when creating a logo is for the logo to be distinctive from other logos and memorable to everyone who sees it. Even in industries where there are standards and common norms for designs, your logo should always aim to stand out from the pack as much as possible.

The goal of a logo is to create a connection with a consumer and generate interest in your brand. When consumers can easily recall your logo and brand, they are more likely to connect them with your company. Logos that are easy to remember and produce a strong impact are valuable because they help your brand stick in consumers’ minds.


The “Nike Checkmark,” along with its catchy slogan “Just Do It,” are recognizable throughout the world because of their uniqueness.




If all goes according to plan, your business will be using its logo for a long time. While no one knows what future trends may be, you’ll want to try to make sure that your logo is as timeless as possible. Several large, well-known companies have kept their logo consistent over decades, making changes over time through tiny tweaks over the years. Most logos that stand the test of time are simple and speak to the brand.




Last, but certainly not least, a good logo can be used in a variety of ways, shapes, and situations. For example, a logo you can only use in one size online is not very good, as it limits the ways you can expose your brand to the world. On the other hand, choosing a logo that can be resized, printed, or placed on different media makes your brand significantly more visible.


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