Why is it important to have a good design?


The phrase ‘Good Design is Good Business’ was declared in a 1973 lecture at the University of Pennsylvania by Chairman and CEO of IBM Thomas Watson Jr.
IBM’s philosophy of design has influenced many other enterprises and institutions in the last decades. Design is now seen as essential for organizations to express their brands and their values -from Apple’s iPhone, to Starbucks’ in-store experience, to Disney’s entertainment venues. Indeed, in recent years, companies have employed the principles of so-called “design thinking,” -including observation of how humans interact with new things, rapid prototyping and collaboration across multidisciplinary teams- to create everything from consumer services to business strategy.


The goals of a good design


Generating and Increasing Profit

Good design first of all increases your company’s value, second of all boosts sales, in this way puts your business in a better financial situation.

Through building trust, making strong first impressions, building customer relationships, and even executing successful (social media) campaigns, good design helps make your business more profitable.

Even though your business is small today, a good design can help it be big tomorrow.


Building Trust

In the digital age, companies only have a matter of seconds before a customer makes up their mind. Those few seconds are crucial because they can make or break a sale –and design plays a huge role in the deciding factor.

Good design is a signal to customers that they should buy from you. This is true not only online, but also for physical products. Packaging design, for example, can alter the perception of your product. 

Good design also helps your business stand out. Every company, no matter the industry, faces a hefty amount of competition. Good design can make or break your business: since relationships are based on emotion, customers are often emotionally connected to a company. For example, to showcase the emotions someone may go through when seeing a beautiful design, we use a fun illustration to show that your clients will get a design their customers will love: good design is not only a reason why your customers become customers –it’s also why they stay.

Consistency is the third key when it comes to creating a cohesive brand. In fact, having an inconsistent brand is a critical mistake that could put your business out of business. That’s because the brand ties the customer to the emotions. When a brand is inconsistent, it seems chaotic and disorganized. People don’t want to get involved with chaotic brands because they trust the company less.


Supporting Function

Good design is about using colors, shapes, textures, space, forms, images, and content in a harmonious, balanced way, but it is not just what looks good!!!

To be effective, design needs to perform a specific function. Good design is about how something LOOKS and WORKS.

A well-designed website, for example, helps convert visitors into customers. With good design, websites and online products are easier to navigate, and bounce rates are usually lower. When people encounter poorly designed sites, they are more likely to give up because they can’t find what they are looking for or it takes too long to find the information they seek.

Signs that a website is easy to use includes a simple display of information, no middle-man steps, and no bells or whistles.

Good design and good usability aren’t about information overload or tons of animations – it’s about giving the customer the bare minimum that they need while still expressing your brand.

If your website isn’t intuitive, it’s hurting your business. That’s why good design doesn’t just entail pretty graphics or typography, it also involves user experience design and workflow.


Characteristics to a good logo design