Zsolt Goose and his Dog Mattyi

Theatrical Play

Original title: Lúd Zsolt és kutyája Mattyi
Responsibilities: Set Design & Execution
Theatrical company:  TÁP Theater
Location: Atrium Theater, Budapest
Year: 2014

About the Play: The performance addresses the problem of the regrettable way in which officials in power in Hungary often abuse their power and use taxpayers' money for their own gain. The play adapts Mihály Fazekas's work “Goose-y” Matyi*, written in 1804, to Hungary’s present relations to be able to express its current political opinion. The play’s Zsolt Goose is an unemployed intellectual and Döbrögi is the local corrupt, power-abusing mayor. In the play they get in a tiff because Zsolt refuses to euthanize his dog Mattyi, who according to Döbrögi barks too much…

*The literary work Matyi Goosy, written by Mihály Fazekas in 1804, is a cult story reminiscent of the atmosphere of Hungarian folk tales -known to all Hungarian adults and children. For Hungarians, Matyi Goosy is like Robin Hood for the English or Wilhelm Tell for the Swiss.
The story is about a destitute serf boy named Matyi who takes his mother’s geese to the local market, but can’t sell them because the local lord, Döbrögi, takes them without paying. When Matyi naively cites the law and demands that he returns his geese, for that the power-abusing lord even orders him to get 50 lashes with a stick. After the beating, Matyi vows to “pay it back” to Döbrögi threefold. Following this, Matyi, first dressed as an Italian architect in the construction of Döbrögi's castle, secondly as a German doctor for Döbrögi's illness, and then for the third time at the local market without a disguise (but with the help of a stable boy, who says that he is Matyi Goosy and thus deceives the guards), beats the lord with 50-50 lashes with the stick. This is how the simple but cunning and courageous son of the people takes revenge on the lord for the injustice he suffered.


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