Art & Multimedia Event

Responsibilities: Creator, Organizer, Spatial Designer
Location: Jurányi Incubator House, Budapest
Year: 2015

About the Event: Jurányi Incubator House is a special location. The aim of creating it  was to provide a stable, common home for the independent theater and creative industries, providing the necessary infrastructure for day-to-day operations, and to create a cultural center in the elite Buda milieu (a “contemporary art house”) where e.g. art-friendly young people are conveniently able to spend a few hours with a coffee, or on a theater performance, a creative children’s session or an acrobatic exercise class, thus refilling this abandoned educational institution with an active community life.
As part of this, we undertook with more than 60 exhibitors and performers to present contemporary Hungarian artists, digital interactive designers and other creators.
For the opening of the exhibition, I designed a special party with live graffiti wall painting, a fashion show, a robot race, and so on. The event ended with great success. Similar events have been held at the Incubator House ever since.


The Tragedy of Man


Whose Life Is It Anyway