How to Disappear Completely

Interactive City Game

Responsibilities: Creator, Spatial Designer
Additional creators: Ambrus Ivanyos, Bálint Tóth, Mátyás Csiszár
Location: MeetLab, Budapest, Hungary 
Year: 2017

About the Game: With this game, our goal was to create an event in which participants enter a world we have created, a fictional reality in which people can disappear.
We have used disappearance as a metaphor to show and make players aware that in today’s modern world we are constantly under surveillance and if, for example, we have a mobile phone or once create a social media profile or just step out onto the street (e.g. due to public cameras), from then on we become permanent “data” of different systems and databases. We have no chance of remaining invisible.

How to play: The project consisted of several phases.
In the first phase, we organized a workshop where we handed the participants a publication which made them aware of the subject of the game (namely the problem of being observed) through a fictional story and in which they were given practical tips for disappearing. Then, using this brochure and with our help, they were able to make the “props” they needed to disappear. For example, we taught them how to make a phone case based on the Faraday-cage theory that allows the phone to become immeasurable when placed in the case, or the players could make a “coat” for themselves that would allow them to disappear from the thermal cameras.
As the second phase of the game, players downloaded the app that was developed. Then, walking around the city, arriving in different parts of the city, the players could listen to different “episodes” of a fictional novel created after the workshop (which was about the story of the disappearance).

The Game was supported by IN SITU (a large-scale cooperation project led by Lieux publics, European and national center for artistic creation in public space based in Marseille, France.)


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