Dada 99

Art Event

Responsibilities: Creator, Organizer, Spatial Designer
Location: Belgrade wharf, Budapest
Year: 2015

About the Event: On the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the establishment of Dadaism, I organized a large-scale Dadaist exhibition and party with 15 musical performers, 12 fine arts performers, 2 art history performers, 8 interactive designer performers in 6 separate venues in one of the most impressive locations along the bank of Danube River, in one of the buildings in Belgrade wharf. Naturally, both the musical and the fine arts performers, with the nature of Dadaism in mind, were prepared for the evening with a unique performance.
We hosted about 500 people that evening, and among the guests there was the cream of the crop of Budapest's music, fine arts and film life. This event, one can say, has become legendary; for weeks the whole city talked about it and it is still mentioned to this day.


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The Tragedy of Man