Backstage Budapest

Social Event

Responsibilities: Creator, Organizer, Spatial Designer
Location: Tilos Rádió headquarters, Budapest
Year: 2016

About the Event: I created the event Backstage Budapest - Secret Social Experiment for people to build relationships, so that the professionals working in the different fields of media, culture, art, science, etc. would be able to gain new contacts, jobs and friendships. 
The event took place in the building of Tilos Rádió*. I asked influencers from 8 different fields to invite 50-50 people from their own circle (of acquaintances) to the event. Among the invited guests were journalists, filmmakers, musicians, designers, and the founder of TEDxDanubia (the Hungarian version of the franchise of TED Talks).
Unfortunately I do not have any statistics about the exact quantity or types of relationships formed that night,  but I know for sure about a marriage...

*Tilos Rádió (Forbidden Radio in English) is a community, non-profit, listener supported radio station in Budapest, Hungary. The station is one of the most archived radio stations in the world, with the past 12 years (since April 1st 2010) recorded and uploaded to their online archive 24/7.


Whose Life Is It Anyway


Journey by Moonlight