Interactive Floor

Digital Exhibit Enhancement

Responsibilities: Project Manager, Designer
Year: From 2009

About the Enhancement: In this system, the projected visual content is located under the user's feet on the floor, and the user's movement in space is detected by motion sensors fixed above their head near the ceiling. 
The movement of the user can trigger a number of changes depending on the theme of the exhibition. As a result of their movement, for example, the content projected on the floor may change, different music or even instructional texts may even be heard. The interaction thus takes place on the projected surface, giving the visitor the illusion that they are physically interacting with the virtual content.
This enhancement was primarily for children to learn through play, but could also be uploaded with other content as needed. The system is especially suitable for the execution of programs that require movement, playful museum pedagogy or any other educational purpose.


360° Digital Object Viewer


Touchless Object Viewer