Augmented Reality

Digital Exhibit Enhancement

Full description: Event Program combined with Augmented Reality
Creative Director, Project Manager
Year: 2012

About the Enhancement: In Hungary, a full-month long national program series titled “Autumn Festival of Museums” is held every autumn, in which almost all Hungarian museums take part. In 2012, the organizers entrusted our studio with the design and execution of the program magazine containing the events of this festival.
Since it is a series of events with thousands of events across the country, we have also developed a digital interaction with the print magazine to make it easier to browse between programs. (This is almost evident in case of any event these days, but back then it was very unique and new.)
Thanks to our enhancement, when a person interested in the events placed their mobile phone over the magazine cover, with the help of Augmented Reality technology (which recognized the image of the magazine cover), the phone screen showed a 3D animation, followed by the menu buttons which showed the categories of the festival events. From these, the user could select what they were interested in and by clicking on it, on their phone screen they could immediately see what events they are currently able to take part in within different counties of the country.


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