12 Surprising Benefits of an Organized Home

1. Organization Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Clutter can take a toll on your health by increasing your stress levels—even if you don’t recognize it.

When we’re constantly surrounded by a busy environment, it can start to become too much information for our brains to process in practical and visual terms. It also stands as a reminder of “all the things” that need to be checked off our to-do list, which is never a peaceful feeling.

When we subject ourselves to constant levels of stress, it can seriously start to deplete our energy sources. Taking the time to declutter, organize, and get rid of things that no longer serve a purpose can help decrease both stress and anxiety, and creating a soothing environment that’s actually nurturing.

2. Organized People Get Better Sleep

When you prioritize organization, you give yourself time to focus on what really matters, like your much-needed sleep. Organizing your daily schedule and tasks allows you to concentrate on what needs to get done that day instead of being distracted by things around you.

At nighttime, you are able to prioritize sleep and rest easy knowing it’s done. As an added bonus, prioritizing enough sleep alleviates your stress.

3. Organization Can Improve Your Relationships

Having a clean, organized home that you’re proud of can make you feel more likely to invite friends and family over for dinner parties or just to hang out – which obviously is a great way to nurture those relationships.

4. Being Organized Means More Money

Home Organization may seem like an expensive hobby at first, but it can save you tons of money in the long run. Once you get everything set up the way you want, you’re going to be less likely to impulse-buy more odds and ends that are just going to take up space.

5. Organizing Your Home Saves You Time

Have you ever had to re-purchase an item you know you have, but just can’t find? It’s a waste of money, and it’s a waste of time.
One major advantage of being organized is knowing what you have and being able to find it when you need it.
You can spend all your free time counting your extra money.

6. An Organized Home Helps Declutter Your Brain
and Improves Mental Health

Outer clutter = inner chaos.
Physical clutter can lead to mental clutter. It’s like the junk in our homes starts to run out of space so it starts taking up rent in our brains.

A lot of times, subconsciously, our brains are focusing on a never-ending to-do list. Always adding items as we go. Getting organized can help clear up that brain fog and let our minds focus on something that brings us joy, not stress.

7. Being Organized Improves Physical Health

Not only is being organized helpful for your mind, it’s also helpful for your physical being. Studies show that having a tidy home can improve physical health.

8. Organization Promotes a Healthier Diet

Being organized allows you to plan healthy dishes and meal prep for the week. When you’ve prepared your meals and snacks ahead of time, you’re less likely to make poor dietary choices.

9. Organizing Boosts Your Self Confidence

When we’re able to put our energy to good use (like decluttering our home), not only does it help us feel like we’ve achieved something, but it gives us visual results that make us feel good, and provides us a space we can feel proud of and love.

10. Being Organized Promotes Creativity

Fostering a clean, decluttered environment can help stimulate your creative juices and give you time, energy, and the focus you need to see those projects through to completion.

11. Organization Increases Productivity at Work

Nothing screams “stress overload!” more than an unorganized work environment, and clutter is the enemy of creativity. If you’re feeling burnt out and overwhelmed at work, start decluttering your workspace.

With a clean and organized workspace, you can focus on your work and limit distractions.

12. Organized People Clean Less

Decluttering and organizing removes items from your space, literally giving you less to clean (and less to keep track of).

Think about it — an empty counter is much quicker and simpler to wipe down. A small pile of laundry takes less time to wash and fold. A clear floor is a lot simpler to sweep or vacuum.


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